Try our Coffee and Delicious Granola!
Buy online Here - check out our pickup locations to save on shipping!

Milkroom Farmstand & Crafts
25 Cape Jellison Ave
Stockton Springs, ME 04981
71 Main St
Bucksport, ME 04416
H&H Merchantile
383 Main St
Searsport, ME 04974
The Aquarian Gift Shop
28 East Main St
Searsport, ME 04974

Place your order online and select where you want to pick it up. We will drop it off at the location and notify you when it is ready to be picked up!

  • Dark Roast Coffee
  • Dark Roast Cinnamon Coffee
  • Premium Granola
  • Oats Only Granola
Our coffee is small batch roasted on a controlled open flame in a cast iron vessel...can you smell the beans roasting?

Our coffee is great hot brewed and delicious COLD BREWED...

How do you cold brew?

To make 1 gallon:

  1. Course grind your beans (a bit courser than for your drip maker)
  2. Put 3-4 ounces of grinds into a 1 gallon container
  3. Fill the container half way with cold water
  4. Cover the container and put into the refridgerator overnight
  5. Filter out the grinds into another 1 gallon container
  6. Add water to the container with the filtered coffee to about 3.75 gallons and enjoy!
  7. Keep refrigerated

Granola? YES!!!

Small batch made...not too sweet and very tasty! We use Honey, Brown Sugar, Maple Syrup and cinnamon to flavor our granola.

Our Premium Granola has oats, walnuts, pecans, raisins, cranberries and chopped dates.

The Oats Only is just that - rolled oats coated and seasoned toasted to deliciousness.

Both the premuin and Oats Only make a great snack and add milk for a great cereal!

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